Problems With Your Gums And Teeth? A Natural Approach
Dental problems affect 20 to 50% of the global population. Common gums and teeth problems include tooth decay, halitosis, gum diseases, and even oral cancer. The 2016 Global Burden of Disease Study reported that dental caries or tooth decay is the most prevalent oral health problem worldwide while gum diseases ranked 11th as the most common disease.
Because the pain, discomfort, and deformities brought about by dental problems can last a long time, people now are proactively seeking preventive measures and remedies. More so, natural remedies are easily becoming the go-to solutions for dental problems because of the relatively high costs of treatments. For instance, the average global price for resin filling, a basic dental service, is about $80 to $250. The price for complex procedures is even greater.
Here, you will find effective natural ways to help heal your gums and teeth problems.
- Brine Solution
Gingivitis is a destructive gum disease. When it gets worse, it leads to permanent tooth loss. Spotting early signs of gingivitis (e.g., abnormally bright red and tender gums, bleeding occurrences, bad breath, inflammation) is crucial.
In the early stage, you can pretty much use natural remedies to treat gingivitis and avoid the worsening of the condition. An effective natural approach is gargling brine. Add about a quarter of a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. Gargle thoroughly for a good 30 seconds to a minute before spitting out. Research supports using saline solution as mouthwash for two to three times per day helps reduce inflammation and bacteria spreading.
- Oil Pulling
Many dental problems, including gingivitis, are caused by plaque buildup. Oil pulling, basically swirling oil around the mouth, is proven to help clean plaque and thus prevent further dental problems like tooth decay and bleeding gums. To do so, combine a tablespoon of your choice of oil to a glass of water. Then wash your mouth with it for at least 10 minutes.
A frequency of 3 to 5 times per week is reasonable. Among the available oils, coconut oil is the preferred ingredient for oil pulling since it has anti-bacterial properties. Not only is it effective, coco oil is also safe for home use unlike tea tree oil. Other effective alternatives include the food-grade clove and peppermint oil.
- Eating Vitamin C-rich Foods
A Journal of Periodontology study in 2016 confirmed the positive effect of Vitamin C intake in the prevention of gum and teeth diseases. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system that it consequently lowers the risk of the study participants contracting periodontal diseases. You may want to consider increasing your consumption of grapefruit, oranges, papaya, broccoli, and sprouts. An orange a day might just keep your dentist away.
- Flossing
In addition to regular brushing, flossing before brushing is an effective natural approach to preventing dental problems. It helps clean the nooks and crannies of the mouth to avoid plaque buildup. Eating carbohydrates leave starchy traces and other miniscule food particles that get stuck in between teeth — areas that ordinary toothbrushes cannot reach.
The right way to floss is to cut an 18-inch string and tie the ends around the middle finger of each hand. Then, hold a smaller portion of the floss with your thumbs and slide it through the gaps of the teeth gently. Rubbing motions must be circular. Once the floss hits the gum line, gently slide against one side of the tooth, forming a C-shaped motion.
- Drinking Green Tea
Recent study has shown that drinking green tea improves oral health. Specifically, it offers protection from gum diseases, cavities, and even bad breath. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in controlling gum diseases. In a Japanese study, people who drink at least 1 or 2 cups of green tea a day were found to have healthier gums and increased hold of natural teeth than those who are non-tea drinkers.
If you are not a big fan of tea, you may consider consuming other food products (e.g., candy) or using dental care products (e.g., toothpaste and mouthwash) which contain green tea. It’s worth trying considering that green tea, a natural source, performs better than the best gum in minimizing bad breath.
- Herbal Poultice
For immediate pain and inflammation relief as in tooth decay, you can create a poultice out of clove and turmeric powder, respectively. Clove has analgesic properties while turmeric has anti-inflammatory powers. Simply mix your herb with warm water until a paste is created. Then apply it directly on the tooth until the pain and swelling subside.
These natural remedies are safe, easy, and budget-friendly. There’s no excuse anymore for poor dental hygiene. Visit for more tips.